Lael Houston
  • Dover, DE

Lael Houston Receives a 2014 Autism Delaware Scholarship

2014 May 29

Lael Houston is one of just four University of Delaware students awarded a 2014 Autism Delaware scholarship.

The Dover, DE native received the Autism Delaware Daniel and Lois Gray Memorial Scholarship, which was created specifically for eligible UD undergraduate and graduate students working toward a professional position in the autism spectrum disorder (ASD) community.

Houston is a sophomore with a double major in neuroscience and public policy with a minor in legal studies. Her goal is to earn degrees in both medicine and law. Houston intends to become a neurologist and research ASD-related diagnoses, determine ASD's cause and possible treatment, and methodize prevention. Houston also plans to become an ASD advocate to ensure that 'rights are protected and voices are heard.' She is now the youngest member of Partners in Policymaking, working on the employment issues faced by people with ASD, including the creation of a fair, more competitive living wage.